Teliani Valley • თელიანი ველი was established in the 1990s by a group of young Georgian winemakers. The 90s were tough times for Georgia but the young friends were determined to overcome and to make the wines they had always dreamed of, in the authentic way, combining Georgian heritage and their skill. Originally a converted car workshop was their home, but with their tremendous vineyards and skill for making quality wines, they have gone from strength to strength and are now one of the biggest and most influential producers in Georgia. Teliani is a famous wine village in Georgia, known for its rich red wines. Today, Teliani make an exciting range of wines in amber, white, rosé and red styles, and their great passion is to showcase the unique native grapes of Georgia. They have a team of innovative young winemakers who are given the time, equipment, fruit and support they need to create exciting modern style wines.
We are thrilled that Teliani are part of the Georgian Wine Festival at Dartington. Come and join us, enjoy their delicious wines in the tastings, masterclass and supra, and make your world a little more Georgian!
For tickets and further information: